JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate Mahfud MD said that the application for the right of inquiry does not need support from the candidate pair (paslon) to investigate allegations of election fraud.

According to him, the application for the right to inquiry is the domain of political parties sitting in the seats of the House of Representatives (DPR).

"I don't know because the right of inquiry is not a matter for candidate pairs, it's a party matter," Mahfud told reporters, Thursday, February 22.

"I don't need my support," he continued, answering whether to provide support or not in the application for the right to inquiry.

Mahfud emphasized that as a candidate pair, he only manages election contestation. Where, it will end when the General Elections Commission (KPU) announces their respective votes.

"The business of the candidate pair is the presidential election, if the politics is the party. The party is the DPR. The DPR will be the parties that will... I will not comment on the right to interpellation rights, it's the matter of parties what they want or not," he said.

"If you don't want it, I have no interest in talking about it. I just deliver candidate pairs until there is a final benchmark from KPu, 'this is legal'. That's it," continued Mahfud.

On the other hand, Mahfud was reluctant to comment on the statement of the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court or the Constitutional Court, Jimly Asshiddiqie, regarding the application for the right to inquiry and the right to interpellation was just a scheme. "Do the party bully or not I don't know and don't want to know either," said Mahfud.

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