JAKARTA - The joint SAR worked together to clean up the remains of the debris caused by a tornado that hit Bandung Regency, West Java, Wednesday, February 21 afternoon. The material debris hit a number of residents' houses.

"Currently, there are 150 joint TNI/Polri personnel and BPBD who have helped clean, both on roads and in residents' housing. So that people's lives can recover soon," said Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol Kusworo Wibowo in Bandung Regency, Thursday, February 22, confiscated by Antara.

Kusworo said that currently all personnel assigned to focus on cleaning post-event building materials, so as not to endanger the community when they return home.

"We are moving materials that can bring in further victims such as debris or even castings on top of tiles that can fall on residents," he said.

Based on the results of the data collection, he said, as many as 223 houses experienced severe damage categories, then 208 houses were moderately damaged and 66 houses were categorized as lightly damaged affected in Rancaekek, Cicalengka and Cileunyi sub-districts, Bandung Regency.

Furthermore, Kusworo appealed to residents of their houses to be severely damaged to be allowed to evacuate to the tents prepared by BPBD. Worried that material can be hit, especially on the roof.

"The category of severely damaged people is expected to be willing to evacuate while repairing their houses. Because the category is already collapsed, yes, it's not just the roof," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Emergency and Logistics for BPBD Bandung Regency, Asep Mahmud, said that his party had set up evacuation tents and public kitchens for residents affected by the tornado in the area.

"We have established an emergency handling field post due to the tornado. So this includes three sub-districts, we centralize it in Tanjungmekar Village, Rancaekek District," he said.

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