JAKARTA - The Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masaki Yasushi said that Japan continues to encourage cooperation with Indonesia. Mainly to strengthen economic performance in the midst of the recession that befell Japan.

"I think we can work very well together to overcome economic problems, not only for Japan but also for Indonesia, which still needs help to develop. We certainly have a mutually beneficial relationship," said Masaki during the National Day celebration in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 21 evening.

The Ambassador acknowledged that the Japanese economy was not in good condition due to deflationary pressure in recent times. He also mentioned the rate of salary increases as one of the other serious problems facing his country.

Due to the sluggish economy, Japan experienced a recession and lost its status as the country with the third-largest economy in the world.

Masaki said, in order to spur Japan's economy, his party continues to encourage economic cooperation in various sectors with a number of countries, including with Indonesia. This cooperation, he said, is also one of the efforts to restore Japan's economy from recession.

He also said that the development of infrastructure projects, energy transitions, and sustainable resources as a number of fields whose cooperation deserves further development with Indonesia.

"Regarding this, Indonesia and Japan can also work together in terms of trade, investment, and labor exchange. In addition, currently there are also many Indonesian citizens who are not only traveling, but also working, in Japan," said the Ambassador.

Masaki said that currently there are more than 28 thousand Indonesian workers in the manufacturing, agricultural, medical, fishery, and other sector industries in Japan.

"The existence of Indonesian workers who are experts in their fields is very useful for meeting the demands of skilled workers in Japan and to move the country's economy in general," he said.

"Therefore, we have high expectations for expert workers from Indonesia, because we need quality workers," he said.

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