JAKARTA - Israeli war cabinet member Benny Gantz said on Wednesday "early signs of progress are promising" in a new deal to free hostages from Gaza, amid regional talks to secure a ceasefire in the war.

"There are ongoing efforts to promote a new hostage deal and there are promising early signs of possible progress," Gantz said in a televised press conference, reported by Reuters, February 22.

"We will not stop looking for a way and we will not miss any opportunity to bring our daughters and sons home," he said.

However, he added, if no new agreement is reached, the Israeli military will continue fighting in Gaza even until the Holy Month of Ramadan which begins next month.

"If a new hostage agreement is not reached, we will continue to operate during Ramadan," he said.

Quoting The Times of Israel, although Gantz did not provide further details, unconfirmed reports in Arab media on Wednesday claimed that Hamas had softened its position, as talks continued between representatives of the militant group and mediators in Cairo.

Meanwhile, Channel 12 reported on Wednesday evening that Israel was preparing to attend a high-level meeting in Paris on Friday, aimed at reaching a long-elusive hostage agreement.

It is believed that around 134 of the more than 250 hostages kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 are still in Gaza, not all of them alive, after 105 civilians were freed from Hamas captivity during a week-long ceasefire in late November, and several others were freed in separate occasions.

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