JAKARTA - Bawaslu recommends the KPU to hold re-voting (PSU), further voting (PSL) and subsequent voting (PSS) at 1,496 polling stations (TPS). This is to ensure the use of public voting rights at polling stations.

"This recommendation was issued to guard the purity of voters and the use of voting rights at polling stations, the purity of ballots at polling stations, and the purity of vote count data at polling stations in the 2024 election," said Bawaslu member Lolly Suhenty in his statement, Thursday, February 22.

Of this number, said Lolly, as many as 780 polling stations held PSU, 132 polling stations held PSL, and 584 polling stations conducted PSS. He reminded that PSU, PSL, and PSS were carried out no later than 10 days after voting day.

According to Lolly, from the results of Bawaslu's research and supervision, a number of conditions that were PSU requirements were met according to Article 80 of PKPU Number 25 of 2023, including accommodating voters who did not have e-KTP or certificates, and were not registered with the DPT and DPTb so that they could vote at the TPS.

"There are voters who have e-KTPs who choose not according to their domicile and do not take care of moving to vote. Then, there are DPTb voters who get ballots that do not match their rights listed in the transfer form, and there are voters who vote more than once," explained Lolly.

Furthermore, Lolly also revealed the reasons for holding PSL and PSS due to a number of factors, such as riots, security disturbances, natural disasters, or other disturbances.

"The timing for the implementation of the PSU, PSL, and PSS is February 24, 2024. Until now, the KPU has set 542 PSU schedules, 65 PSL schedules, and 175 PSS schedules," concluded Lolly.

The following are 780 PSU recommendations in 38 provinces:

1. Central Papua (94 TPS)2. Central Kalimantan (15 TPS)3. South Sulawesi (62 TPS)4. DI Yogyakarta (15 TPS)5. West Nusa Tenggara (53 TPS)6. Gorontalo (11 TPS)7. Maluku (53 TPS)8. Riau Islands (10 TPS)9. East Nusa Tenggara (50 TPS)10. West Kalimantan (10 TPS)11. Aceh (35 TPS)12. Jambi (9 TPS)13. Central Sulawesi (32 TPS)14. North Kalimantan (9 TPS)15. Central Java (28 TPS)16. Southwest Papua (9 TPS)17. North Sumatra (24 TPS)18. West Sulawesi (8 TPS)19. Papua (24 TPS)20. Central Papua (7 TPS)21. South Sumatra (22 TPS)22. Lampung (6 TPS)23. West Papua (23 TPS)24. Bengkulu (5 TPS)25. Southeast Sulawesi (20 TPS)26. Banten (5 TPS)27. East Kalimantan (18 TPS)28. Bali (5 TPS)29. East Java (37 TPS)30. North Sulawesi (4 TPS)31. North Maluku (18 TPS)32. Bangka Belitung (2 TPS)33. West Sumatra (17 TPS)34. South Kalimantan (1 TPS)35. Riau (17 TPS)36. DKI Jakarta (1 TPS)37. West Java (16 TPS) 38. South Papua (5 TPS).

The following are 132 PSL recommendations in 14 provinces:

1. South Sumatra (30 TPS)2. Central Sulawesi (2 TPS)3. DKI Jakarta (21 TPS)4. Central Kalimantan (1 TPS)5. West Java (43 TPS)6. Riau Islands (8 TPS)7. Papua (9 TPS)8. East Java (1 TPS)9. DI Yogyakarta (4 TPS)10. Banten (1 TPS)11. West Kalimantan (5 TPS)12. Bangka Belitung (1 TPS)13. Southeast Sulawesi (2 TPS)14. South Papua (1 TPS).

The following are 584 PSS recommendations in 9 provinces:

1. Central Papua (387 TPS)2. East Java (4 TPS)3. Central Java (114 TPS)4. South Papua (3 TPS)5. Papua (39 TPS)6. East Nusa Tenggara (1 TPS)7. DKI Jakarta (17 TPS) 8. Central Sulawesi (1 TPS)9. Banten (18 TPS).

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