SURABAYA - The Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, mentioned the name of the Mayor of Pasuruan, Saifullah Yusuf or Gus Ipul, in his remarks after the inauguration of the regional head.

This was conveyed by Khofifah when asking regional heads to strive to foster a sense of pride made in Indonesia and proud of Indonesian tourism and the development of MSMEs.

"Now, Gus Ipul can tell you in detail regarding this matter", said Khofifah, Friday, February 26.

Khofifah said that Gus Ipul's struggle had been very long. Evidenced by the badge attached to the chest of Gus Ipul's uniform.

"The proof (badge) is more than mine. It means that his struggle has been very long from mine", he said.

Responding to Khofifah's praise, Gus Ipul said Khofifah was encouraging him.

"The Governor is only giving encouragement to us. Encouraging MSMEs is very important in today's era. It has always been important but now it is more important", he said.

Gus Ipul admitted that he was ready if Khofifah appointed himself as a mentor for regional heads in East Java. In fact, Gus Ipul said he was ready to become Khofifah's men.

"Anyway, I'm ready to be the Governor's subordinate", said Gus Ipul.

After being inaugurated, Gus Ipul admitted that he would focus on dealing specifically with COVID-19, generally in the health sector. The second is how to make the economy in Pasuruan City move.

"But we do know that there is a special direction that is interesting to apply in the regions that were conveyed by the Governor. How to foster a love for Indonesian products and Indonesian tourism", he said.

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