JAYAPURA - Papua General Election Commission (KPU) Chairman Steveplun admitted that 256 polling stations experienced telecommunications range constraints, so it was difficult for officers to report recapitulation of polling results at polling stations,

"Indeed, due to the limitations of the telecommunication network, it was difficult for officers to fill out reports in the'sirekap' because they had to change regions to report them," said Papua KPU chairman Steve

Of the 256 polling stations that do not have telecommunications coverage, the most polling stations are in Mamberamo Raya Regency, namely 71 polling stations out of 147 existing polling stations, then Jayapura Regency 69 polling stations, Supiori 39 polling stations, Sarmi 33 polling stations, Waropen 27 polling stations and Keerom Regency 17 polling stations.

"Nevertheless, officers are trying to report the recapitulation results as soon as possible once they get a signal on their cell phone," saidSteve

He explained that districts and cities that have no problems related to telecommunications are Jayapura City, Yapen Islands Regency and Biak Numfor Regency.

"It is true that for Papua only the three regions have no problems with the telecommunications network," said Chairman of the Papua KPU Steve

In Papua, there are 3,109 polling stations spread across Jayapura, Keerom, Sarmi, Mamberamo Raya, Biak Numfor, Waropen, Supiori and Yapen Islands Regencies.

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