BOGOR - Chancellor of Ibna Khaldun University (UIKA) Bogor, Prof Mujahidin won an award from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) LLDIKTI Region IV.

The Chancellor of UIKA Bogor received 4 (four) awards from the Ministry of Education and Culture LLDIKTI IV West Java and Banten which took place at The Grand Krakatau Ballroom, Oakwood Hotel, East Jakarta, last Monday.

The four awards are the first rank of Lecturer with the duties of Additional Higher Leaders (Rectors) as Academic Leaders in 2023 at the 2023 Academic Leader Education and Technology Award.

"This first place award is because we have brought UIKA with various advances, one can be seen in terms of research, the two institutions, then the SINTA (Science and Technology Index) score is from 138 to 51," said Mujahidin, Tuesday, February 20.

Then continued Mujahidin, the journal was accredited, currently UIKA Bogor already has 26 accredited journals, which previously only 3 were accredited.

Then for the welfare of lecturers and tendik now, 25 lecturers have allocated assistance funds for Hajj services and previously only 1. Then from superior accreditation, now 6 have been accreted superior and professors from 4 have gone to 14, "he explained.

Furthermore, the Gold Winner of PTS with the best KIP Management and the Silver Winner of Higher Education with the best PDDIKTI (University and Institute).

"Why can Gold Winner, because everything is well managed, student rights are given without any deductions. Furthermore, KIP students are given regular/incidental guidance. Then the number of KIP recipients year by year is increasing,"

"For the Pddikti award, it is about 100% accreditation and academic reports in each semester," he explained.

Finally, the Gold Winner of Higher Education award with the management of the best Career Center and Tracer Study.

Mujahidin explained that this award was due to the success of the new graduates with the achievement of 85% in their careers. This is because UIKA Bogor is tracing new graduates so that mapping can be known.

"Alhamdulillah, with Allah's permission, this year we won 4 awards from West Java and Banten LLDIKTI IV, namely 3 gold Winners and 1 Silver," said Mujahidin.

Mujahidin also admitted that he was very grateful to all those who took part in the process of obtaining four prestigious awards from LLDIKTI in the West Java and Banten regions.

"On behalf of the University, I would like to thank the Foundation, Mr. Kyai, WR, Heads of Institutions, the Deans and all lecturers and education personnel who have worked together, so that we get this award," he concluded.

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