JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health's Technical Advisor for Digital Transformation Office, Dr. Gregorius Bimantoro, said that as of February 15, 8,362 health facilities or 14.91 percent of the 56,093 targeted health facilities had RME and connected and sent data to SATUSHEHAT.
Data from the Ministry of Health also shows that 23,870 health facilities or 42.55 percent of the target have adopted an electronic medical record system (RME).
These restrictions are caused by obstacles in infrastructure, readiness of human resources, and an uneven internet network to remote areas.
"We hope that as medical personnel and health workers, we have a goal by using this electronic medical record to provide more effective and better service," he said in a written statement received in Jakarta, Friday, February 20.
He explained that the digitization of health care facilities is not limited to RME alone, but also the integration of the RME with the SATUS SEHAT platform. SATUSHAT used to be known as PeduliLindungi, is a health data linking platform or ecosystem.
According to him, ONE HEALTH connects and empowers the entire health ecosystem. He also pointed to the relationship between SATUSEHAT and the related health industry, for example the laboratory industry, because of the exchange of health data with international standards, namely HL7 FHIR.
Bimantoro assessed that this integration would allow medical personnel and health workers to provide better health services. This, he said, was because they could see a patient's medical history, so they could provide more precise diagnosis and therapy.
In fact, he said, patients from abroad can also be integrated into the ONESEHAT system, as long as they use the same data standard, namely HL7 FHIR.
According to him, the integration of RME with SATUSEHAT has been regulated in Law no. 17 of 2023, and in more detail in Circular (SE) Number HK.02.02/D/7093/2023 concerning the Implementation of Electronic Medical Records Interoperability with the ONESEHAT Platform.
The SE, he said, also provides administrative sanctions for health facilities that do not yet have RME, in the form of a written warning and revocation of accreditation status.
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