JAKARTA - The incident of the escape of 16 suspects from the Tanah Abang Metro Police detention room is not the first time this has happened. Local residents say this incident has also happened several years ago.

According to residents around the location, about two years ago there were also detainees who escaped through the roof of a resident's house and managed to climb the dividing wall.

"In the past there were detainees who escaped. Their children managed to escape after crossing the wall and then walking through the roof tiles, then going down through the electrical panels," said one resident, Tuesday, February 20.

Furthermore, one of the detainees who escaped was then arrested by residents. The prisoner was arrested on suspicion of crossing and not wearing sandals. He was arrested by a teenager who was gathered. When dismissed, the detainee was then interrogated.

"The employee admitted that he was a prisoner who escaped from the Tanah Abang Metro Police. Because he had admitted, the residents brought the detainees back to be handed over to members at the police station," he said.

The incident of escaping prisoners took place again on Monday, February 19, 2024, at around 02.40 WIB. This time, 16 criminal and narcotics convicts managed to escape through the ventilation of the detention room.

But again, the Tanah Abang Metro Police just learned of the incident where prisoners escaped through information from residents behind the Sector Police who reported the incident.

Residents reported that there was a group of unknown people running. After receiving the report, the Tanah Abang Metro Police immediately checked the detention room and found one ventilator room open.

Then the members of the prison guard checked the back of the cell and found the bonding of the prayer mat to the bottom of the iron tellis that were cut.

Currently, the police are still pursuing 14 prisoners who are still at large. 2 other prisoners who escaped were arrested.

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