The Kemayoran Police have arrested three suspects in the beating of parking attendants (Jukir) along with evidence of sharp weapons of the type of sickle. The first arrests were made of suspects ATH (42), S (29) and ST (37) in several different locations.

From the results of the examination, the motive for the beating began with a trivial matter. The suspect ATH initially demanded a debt of Rp130 thousand to the two victims of the jukir brothers.

Suspect ATH also came to the location, where the two victims were guarding the parking lot on Jalan Kodam Raya, RT 10/07, Sumur Batu Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta on Saturday, February 17 at 14.30 WIB.

Apparently when billed, the two victims with the initials AS and TA refused to pay their debts. Then a disagreement and quarrel between the perpetrators and the two victims ensued.

The suspect ATH was then beaten by the two victims in front of a minimarket. Then, because there were many residents in the location, the suspect ATH admitted that he felt that his pride had been trampled on.

ATH went home to take a sharp weapon of his sickle type. The suspect ATH also invited his younger brother with the initials S (39) and ST (37) to return to the crime scene.

Arriving in front of the minimarket on Jalan Kodam Raya, RT 10/07, Sumur Batu Village, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta, the three suspects again ganged up on the two jukir who were brothers and sisters until they were critically covered in blood.

"The suspect ATH was arrested at the time of the incident. The sharp weapon belonged to the suspect ATH. ATH threw away the knife when we arrested him, the knife was thrown near his house. The motive was pure debt problems and revenge," said Kemayoran Police Chief Kompol Arnold to reporters, Tuesday, February 20.

The grudge arose because the words conveyed by the two victims when they were billed for their debts were not pleasing to the ATH suspect. So that the suspect was annoyed and a sense of revenge appeared.

"The victim owes Rp130 thousand to the suspect. The bajaj driver collects debts, the bajaj driver comes to collect debts and then quarrels with the jukir. Then the bajaj driver takes the sickle home," he said.

Then, the two victims ran into Indomaret to secure themselves. However, the three perpetrators entered and chased the two victims.

"So there was a fight in Indomaret, there was a fistfight," he said.

Suspect ATH slashed a US victim with a sickle, while the suspects' initials S and ST hit TA with an iron shelf from a minimarket window and were covered in blood. As a result, the two victims suffered various lacerations and bruises.

After the examination, it turned out that the three suspects were also brothers.

"The three suspects are brothers and sisters. The victims are also brothers," he said.

As a result of his actions, the three suspects with the initials ATH, S and ST were threatened with Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding beatings with a penalty of five years and six months in prison.

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