The East Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) found around 300 extreme data in the Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap).

The extreme data is related to the discrepancy between the data on the Sirekap page and the data obtained by the Vote Organizing Group (KPPS) officer. "There are about 300 extreme data that are being corrected by the East Jakarta KPU operator," said Head of the East Jakarta KPU Technical Division Carlos Paath when met at the East Jakarta KPU Office, Pulogadung, Monday, February 19, confiscated by Antara.

His party immediately corrected this. "Our target is completed within the next three days," he said. The General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia, he said, has given directions so that the East Jakarta KPU immediately improves extreme data that is not in accordance with the data held by the KPPS. "We will accelerate the process of improving extreme data so that it does not become biased among the community," he said.

The extreme data, for example, the number of the Permanent Voter List (DPT) is 300 people, but the number of votes acquired by the 2024 Election participants reaches 800 votes. "The reason for this data that we are correcting. The reference is that C, the results of the plano at the TPS, can be known from Sirekap. Then, the recapitulation in the sub-district," said Carlos. The cause of the existence of extreme data is because there are numerical figures in the C form, the results of the plano with Sirekap show differences.

For example, KPPS places the number of tens in the hundreds, while in the number of units it is given a cross sign, which means it is empty. "So the system will read it hundreds, even though the results are tens," he added.

It was the fault of the KPPS. "The majority error is like this, the writing error of the KPPS. If the system during the KPPS wrote it right, we think the system will read it right," he said. However, it was also not entirely the fault of the KPPS officers. Regarding the decrease in the vote acquisition from one of the DPR RI candidates from PAN Desy Nurul Yunita from 8,042 votes on Sunday (18/2) to 4,910 votes on Monday (19/2), said Carlos, it was also due to extreme data. However, Carlos emphasized that Sirekap data is only as an aid and as a form of KPU's transparency towards the recapitulation of the 2024 General Election. "The results of the recapitulation that we use are the recapitulation of manually tiered votes, ranging from TPS, sub-districts, cities, provinces to national levels," he said.

This is in accordance with Election Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections. "So, the reference is manual recapitulation which can later be submitted concretely to the public after recapitulation in the sub-district," he said.

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