JAKARTA - Air quality in Jakarta on Monday, February 19 morning was categorized as unhealthy with an air quality index (AQI) 130 (a range of 100-200) based on the air quality monitoring site (IQAir) at 05.55 WIB. Quoted from ANTARA, the air quality places Jakarta at 13th as the city with the worst air in the world. Air pollution rates of that magnitude are calculated based on PM2.5 with a concentration value of 47.5 micrograms per cubic meter. That number has an unhealthy air quality level for groups sensitive to because it can harm humans or groups of sensitive animals. In addition, it can cause damage to plants or aesthetic values,'' said the statement.City with worst air quality first order until Monday morning, namely Lahore, Pakistan 258, Dhaka, Bangladesh 247, Mumbai, India 193, Delhi, India 180, and fifth order Chengdu, China in 167.Six Wuhan, China 164, Milan, Italy 162, order Kathmandu, Nepal 159, and Yangon, Myanmar 155, tenth order Kamala, Uganda in 151.

Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono issued Governor's Decree (Kepgub) Number 593 of 2023 concerning the Air Pollution Control Task Force as a Policy to Accelerate Handling of Air Pollution. The scope of the task force, including drafting standard operating procedures (SOP) for handling air pollution in DKI Jakarta, controlling air pollution from industrial activities, and periodically monitoring air quality conditions, to the health impact of air pollution.

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