JAKARTA - Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya Bakar and the General Chairperson of the Central PWI Hendry Ch Bangun and Secretary General Sayid Iskandarsyah symbolically planted mangrove trees in the New VIP of the Angke Kapuk Nature Tourism Park (TWA), North Jakarta, Saturday, February 17, 2024.

Planting mangrove trees is a series of commemorations of the 2024 National Press Day (HPN).

Also attending the event were the ranks of the Central PWI management and the Chairmen of the Provincial and Regency/City PWI who jointly planted mangrove trees.

After symbolically planting mangrove trees, Siti Nurbaya and Hendry Ch Bangun and their entourage had time to tour the mangrove forest area using a speed boat.

Four boats carrying a group enjoyed the fresh air and blue of Jakarta's sky in the mangrove forest area.

Siti Nurbaya said that the press plays an important role for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).

Therefore, Siti Nurbaya is grateful that PWI consistently pays attention to forest sustainability, one of which is through mangrove tree planting events every year.

According to Siti Nurbaya, mangrove forests in Indonesia are around 23 percent of the total spread around the world.

In 2023, said Siti Nurbaya, as many as 130,000 mangrove trees have been planted throughout Indonesia.

"Mangroves are very important. Good carbon storage, four times the usual tropical forest carbon," he said.

Meanwhile, Hendry Ch Bangun said the peat forest area at the Angke Kapukini Nature Tourism Park was listed as one of the successful planting sites.

"If the child says now, this area is hidden in Jakarta. Only 30 minutes from Bintaro there are more beautiful and no less beautiful tourist attractions in China," said Hendry.

Apart from that, mangrove forests in the Angke Kapuk Nature Tourism Park area have been inhabited by animals that have been missing for decades.

Call it a long-tailed monkey, a variety of birds, crossing, white starlings, and estuarine crocodiles.

The mangrove nature conservation area has an area of 99.82 HA and was inaugurated in 2010. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry's efforts are considered successful because in addition to greening the coastal area, it can also withstand erosion.

Kawsan hutan mangrove ini pun menjadi lahan untuk menjadi sumber pendapatan negara dari sektor wisata.

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