SEMARANG-Bawaslu Central Java asked to be aware of the political potential of money during the 2024 election vote in 10 villages in Demak Regency which were delayed due to flooding. "During the follow-up election, what must be watched out for is the possibility of the emergence of money politics," said Central Java Bawaslu Commissioner Sosiawan in Semarang, Saturday, February 17. He explained that the area carrying out the follow-up vote would be the target of legislators who may lack votes. "The location that held the follow-up vote was one of the potential to increase votes," he said. He ensured that Bawaslu would carry out surveillance so that fraud during subsequent elections did not occur. Previously, floods hit the Demak and Kudus areas due to the broken Wulan and Jratun River embankments.

Pemungutan suara di 114 TPS di 10 desa di Kecamatan Karanganyar, Kabupaten Demak, terpaksa ditunda dan akan dilakukan pemilu susulan akibat banjir.Terdapat 27.996 orang pemilih yang tidak bisa memberikan suaranya pada Pemilu 14 Februari 2024.Sepuluh desa yang terdampak banjir tersebut antara lain Desa Wonoketingal sebanyak 19 TPS, Cangkring Rembang 9 TPS, Cangkring 15 TPS, Undaan Kidul 9 TPS, Undaan Lor 7 TPS, Ngemplik Wetan 8 TPS, Wonorejo 18 TPS, Desa Karanganyar 19 TPS, Ketanjung 4 TPS, dan Jatirejo 6 TPS.KPU Demak berencana menggelar pemungutan suara susulan pada 24 Februari 2024.

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