PAPUA - Principal of SMA Satria Jayapura Efendi Ibrahim said the fire incident at the school was known by a teacher who wanted to teach. The incident was immediately reported to the relevant parties. "Furthermore, we immediately coordinated with the Jayapura City Fire Department so that the fire could be extinguished," Ibrahim said in Jayapura as quoted by Antara, Friday, February 16. According to Ibrahim, the fire was thought to have originated from the burning of garbage in at the back of the school, which quickly scorched five classrooms. However, students can still use three other rooms at the front of the school to participate in the teaching and learning process. "In addition, we can also use the teacher's room to study to repair the burning room," he said. The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Jayapura City, Papua, Robby Awi added, a number of burning Satria Jayapura High School facilities will be of concern to the local government. "We will help repair facilities at Satria High School which are burned according to the capacity of the regional budget," he said. SMA Satria Jayapura is located in Argapura Village, South Jayapura District. The fire incident took place today at around 09.00 WIT.
"SMA Satria Jayapura has been around for 30 years and has contributed to Human Resources (HR) in filling development in Jayapura City," he said.

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