JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health in Gaza on Friday said four patients at Nasser Hospital, located south of the Palestinian enclave, died from power outages and oxygen supply was cut off, assessing Israel was responsible for the incident.

The ministry further said that two pregnant women were forced to give birth at the hospital in a very risky and inhumane condition.

In a previous statement, the ministry said six intensive care patients and three patients in the baby incubator could die "at any time as a result of their oxygen discontinue", after the power generator was stopped.

"We consider the Israeli occupation responsible for the lives of patients and staff, considering the complex is now under full control," the ministry said.

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) admits troops in particular have invaded Nasser Hospital, after days of siege of the only major hospital still functioning in Gaza.

The IDF said it "arrested a number of suspects" at the hospital, adding the operation there was still ongoing.

IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Totali said they had "credible intelligence information from a number of sources, including from the hostages who had been released," that Hamas had previously held the hostages hostage at the hospital hostage, and the bodies of the dead hostages may have been in the hospital.

Laksda Totali claimed, "Hamas is most likely hiding behind injured civilians inside Nasser Hospital at this time," and said that the operation would be carried out "exactly and limitedly."

"This sensitive operation was well prepared and carried out by the IDF special forces who underwent special training," Laksda Badminton said, citing Reuters.

However, Laksda Badminton said Israeli troops had not been able to find hostages at the hospital so far.

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