YOGYAKARTA - The voting process has been completed, now we are just waiting for the results of the real count from the General Elections Commission (KPU). In the midst of the recapitulation of vote count, the public can continue to monitor and report if they find allegations of election fraud. There are several websites reporting election fraud that can be accessed by the public.

The public or anyone can report allegations of fraud in the 2024 General Election online. Although the quick count results have shown that the most votes won by candidate pair 01 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming, the official results of the vote count are still waiting for an announcement from the KPU.

In order to ensure that elections take place fairly and democratically, the public is advised to continue to oversee the vote count process until it is completed. You can take advantage of several websites reporting election fraud to complain if there are violations.

There are 6 websites that can be accessed to report the cheating of the 2024 General Election. The website is managed by an official agency or a group of volunteers to facilitate people who find fraud and complain about it for further processing.

The presence of this electoral fraud reporting platform allows the public to be involved in monitoring, supervising, and reporting violations in voice calculations. Through several websites, you can send the results of the vote recapitulation at the TPS and monitor the suitability of the uploaded data.

Here are some websites for reporting election fraud that can be used in general:

One way to report Election fraud online is through the Election Guard website. This platform is here to invite the public to oversee the implementation and calculation of the results of the 2024 General Election. Through the election.org escort, you can upload the election results at each polling station.

Guarding the Election allows users to upload photos of C-PPWP forms from people who are at polling stations. The existence of this feature also allows the public to participate in monitoring and overseeing election results from various uploaded polling stations. The Election Guard Team will verify and match the data from the C-PPWP photo form upload.

The following are the steps using the Election Guard website to report vote count fraud:

Keeping the election is also one of the websites for reporting election fraud that can be used by the public. This platform also allows you to upload the results of the form C election at each polling station. However, to be able to upload photos, you must be registered as a volunteer to Guard the Election.

The Election Guard Team will verify the data on the results of the vote calculations uploaded. The data is then displayed to the public as a form of transparency and so that everyone can participate in monitoring the election results. The public can also see who is the volunteer on the Election Guard platform.

The pemilu.org platform also provides a service feature for reporting alleged Election violations. The public can complain about reports if they find fraud or violations in the general election process. Reports sent will be verified by the Election Guard team and displayed to the public if it is proven that fraud is true.

You can also do election fraud reports through the Jaga Silaku website. This platform facilitates people who want to report fraud, such as administrative violations, code of ethics, criminal, and other violations of the law during the election process.

For those of you who want to complain about election fraud online, you can access your voice guard website.id. In addition to providing a feature for reporting fraud, Jagaprih also brings detailed data on presidential candidates, vice presidents, and profiles of each party that nominates itself in the 2024 General Election.

You can also access the Election Fraud Platform to report violation findings during elections. How to file complaints through this platform is quite easy, namely just entering the pemilu.com cheating page.

After entering the pemilu.com website, then click the Report button. Then enter the data as evidence of election fraud reports, starting from the area where they occur, types of fraud, chronology, and evidence. The Election Fraud Team will review the complaint within 1x24 hours. If proven to be a violation, the results of the report will be visible on the election fraud map.

The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) also provides a website for reporting election fraud through www.sigaplapor.bawaslu.go.id. You can use the platform to monitor the election process and report if you find evidence of a violation.

Those are some websites that report election fraud that you can use online. With the existence of a number of platforms above, it is hoped that the public can play a role in overseeing the flow calculation and reporting if there is election fraud. Also read the National Team Amin found an inflated presidential election in Sirekap.

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