The KPU ensures that it will immediately correct inappropriate data in the recapitulation information system (Sirekap). KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari confirmed that he would immediately make corrections through recapitulation at the sub-district level.

"If someone has a wrong count or wrong number or write, it will be corrected later," said Hasyim Thursday, February 15.

Hasyim admitted that the system at the KPU had actually identified the error in converting the data from C1 plano in Sirekap. The KPU noted that at least 2,325 polling stations found an error between the conversion of voice calculations and uploads in Sirekap.

"At the central KPU, through the existing system, it is monitored which regions between uploading the C form and the conversion is wrong, it is monitored so everything that is conveyed to us via Whatsapp, or uploaded on social media is basically monitored in our system," said Hasyim.

However, Hasyim explained that the number of conversion errors from the number of polling stations was only around 0.64% of the total existing polling stations. So that the error does not have a significant effect on the data displayed in Sirekap at this time.

According to him, the mistakes reported by the public to the KPU are a form of success from Sirekap's goal, which is transparent and can be monitored directly by the public.

"We should be grateful because there is Sirekap, which can be known to the public. So nothing is hidden, nothing is hidden, but we will publish everything as it is," said Hasyim.

Hasyim said the calculation of the real count from each polling station in Indonesia will always be uploaded through Sirekap. So that the public can continue to monitor, both the development of vote acquisition, as well as the errors in the data displayed.

"The results of which are plenary in size can be uploaded and known to all parties," he said.

Previously, it circulated in several uploads on social media that showed discrepancies between the results of the real count that was inputted through Sirekap did not match the C1 letter from the voice photographed by officers at several polling stations.

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