JAKARTA - The results of a number of survey institutions' quick counts are still running as of Thursday, January 15, early morning. Pair 02 Prabowo-Gibran is still 'lit up' ahead of candidates 01, Anies-Cak Imin and 03, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

Prabowo-Gibran's lead is still above 50 percent. Meanwhile, Anies-Cak Imin is crawling up, albeit slowly.

Following are the Quick Count Results of 5 Survey Institutions

1. Kompas R&D as of Wednesday, February 14 at 21:21 WIB. The votes came in 88.45 percent

1. Anies-Cak Imin: 25.1 percent

2. Prabowo-Gibran: 58.73 percent

3. Ganjar-Mahfud: 16.17 percent

2. SMRC (No hour and day updates). The vote came in 97.55 percent

1. Anies-Cak Imin: 24.87 percent

2. Prabowo-Gibran: 58.56 percent

3. Ganjar-Mahfud: 16.56 percent

3. LSI as of Wednesday, February 14 at 23:26 WIB. The vote came in 95.45 percent

1. Anies-Cak Imin: 25.3 percent

2. Prabowo-Gibran: 57.47 percent

3. Ganjar-Mahfud: 17.23 percent

4. Poltracking as of Wednesday, February 14 at 23.57 WIB. The vote came in 94.5 percent

1. Anies-Cak Imin: 24.44 percent

2. Prabowo-Gibran: 59.26 percent

3. Ganjar-Mahfud: 16.3 percent

5. Charta Politika as of Thursday, February 15 at 00:16 WIB. The vote came in 98.2 percent

1. Anies-Cak Imin: 25.66 percent

2. Prabowo-Gibran: 57.8 percent

3. Ganjar-Mahfud: 16.52 percent

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