JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate 01 Prabowo Subianto uploaded a photo with his partner Gibran Rakabuming Raka. The photo was uploaded to Prabowo's official Instagram account, @prabowo, Wednesday, February 14. This photo is like a photo of the state when the official pair is elected as president and vice president. With a blue background, this photo shows Prabowo-Gibran smiling slightly. There was no comment written by Prabowo. On the top side of the photo there is a symbol of the state of the Garuda Bird. Meanwhile, from the quick count results of all official institutions broadcast on Kompas TV, it shows that pair 02, Prabowo-Gibran is superior to 50 percent of the votes with data coming in above 50 percent. One of them is from Litbang Kompas as of 16:18 WIB, Wednesday, February 14. With the votes entering 66.2 percent, pair 01, Anies-Cak Imin 24.3 percent, Prabowo-Gibran 59.32 percent and Ganjar-Mahfud 16.38 percent.
The quick count results are not the official election results. The official election results are still waiting for the calculation of votes manually from the KPU.

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