JAKARTA - Defense, security and military expert Connie Rahakundini Bakrie said there was panic in the camp of supporters of Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

In particular, when Prabowo Subianto's scenario, which will only lead 2 years if he is elected as President, begins to be revealed.

"I have to reveal from myself what I experienced. Regarding the main rebuttal, Pak Prabowo's story will be 2 years. This will be crowded, right, when elected. Just comment on me, I understand that I panic," Connie told reporters, Monday, February 12.

In addition, Connie is getting more and more, namely that the scenario is indeed true. This is because a similar information was also known by the Secretary-General of the PDIP, Hasto Kristiyanto.

The PDIP official was said to have heard the scenario when he was involved in a meeting of businessmen in Singapore.

"But I got the strengthening of the information, so Mr. Ambassador Rosan asked me not only to ask me, but also to hear Mr. Hasto Kristiyanto at a business meeting in Singapore," Connie said.

In fact, Connie revealed that Prabowo Subianto's scenario would only serve 3 years as the 8th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Then the remaining term of office will be continued, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who is his deputy.

"Pak Prabowo stated that in front of businessmen in Singapore, he would only be three years, then Gibran continued. If I'm not mistaken, I'll ask Pak Hasto directly. Gibran is because it's only been two years," Connie said.

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