JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian reminded regional heads to help distribute logistics for the 2024 General Election and alert health facilities for officers when the vote took place.

Tito said this effort is important considering that the 2024 General Election vote will take place on February 14. The distribution support is needed, especially in areas that are difficult to access.

"This automatically asks the local government for help," Tito said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, February 12.

According to him, this is like on islands with big waves, remote areas, areas that are on mountains or forests, including areas that are being hit by disasters.

In addition, he continued, it is important to avoid casualties from the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) officers. This condition reflects on the 2019 General Election, which was colored by the number of officers who were victims due to fatigue and congenital diseases.

Even though currently the officers' age limit requirements have been applied to avoid casualties, preventive efforts must still be made.

"After the officers have finished voting, please help the health workers stand by, so that when they need help when someone is tired, they can be given quick assistance, don't let this health facility close, especially those on the front lines, who are Puskesmas, polyclinics, clinics, and others, all of this must be alerted to help," he explained.

He said Minister of Health (Menkes) Budi Gunadi Sadikin had instructed the support of the health facility. However, the Minister of Health does not have a network to regencies/cities such as regional heads.

"Those who have the authority are regional heads, therefore regional heads once again please alert health networks on the front lines, especially polyclinics, health centers, and others," said Tito.

Tito also mentioned the importance of local governments helping the needs of election organizers' facilities and infrastructure. He admitted that he often appealed to local governments to provide this support to the organizers.

He gave an example by loaning the building to the regional KPU and Bawaslu offices, including for logistics storage warehouses. "I just remind you again because it's only two days left," he said.

On the other hand, Tito also appealed to the local government to socialize it to the public to exercise their voting rights. This is important because the higher voter participation will provide strong legitimacy to the elected heads, both heads of state and legislatures.

"Once again, the socialization to exercise the right to vote because it is voluntary, this needs to be conveyed to the public, the obligation of all of us for the success of the democratic party and also for indicators of Indonesian democracy," Tito concluded.

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