The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) found allegations of violations of the code of ethics committed by officials from the polling group (KPPS) at one of the polling stations in Kapanewon Kalibawang, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY).

"Regarding the findings of the alleged violation of the code of ethics, Bawaslu asked the Kulon Progo KPU to follow up in accordance with statutory provisions," said Chairman of Bawaslu Kulon Progo Marwanto in Kulon Progo, DIY, Monday, February 12, as reported by Antara.

He said that the alleged violation of the code of ethics committed by one of the KPPS officers was found when his party supervised the halah event of one of the political parties at the Cangkring Wates Stadium, last February 3.

"At that time we went directly, the complete team supervised the Harlah campaign of one of the political parties. Even the chairman of Bawaslu DIY sided with us. We met the person concerned at the Cangkring Stadium wearing full clothes from the laskar of one of the political parties," he said.

Before the Bawaslu ranks met with the person concerned at the Cangkring Stadium, Panwascam ranks also saw the person concerned at the departure point in the Kalibawang area with the group who was going to the Cangkring Stadium. "It turns out that it is known that the person concerned is the field coordinator (korlap) of the laskar, one of the political parties who will depart for Cangkring," he added.

Regarding this incident, Marwanto said that his staff had conducted a study and collected evidence. Studies supported by evidence show that the person concerned should be suspected of violating the code of ethics as an election organizer, in this case, KPPS officers.

The results of our study show that Brother R, one of the KPPS officers in Kapanewon Kalibawang, violated the provisions of Article 8 letter e, the Honorary Council Regulation of Election Organizer Number 2 of 2017, that as an election organizer should not use, carry, or wear symbols, symbols or attributes that clearly show partisan attitudes in certain political parties or election participants.

"We have submitted a recommendation letter to the Kulon Progo KPU yesterday (Sunday, February 11). Violation of the code of ethics has indeed become the domain of the DKPP to handle it, but because this concerns the neutrality of election organizers who will soon be on voting day, we hope that the KPU can act quickly, so that later there will be no problems during voting and vote counting," he said.

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