JAKARTA - Israel succeeded in freeing hostages in a special operation and airstrike in Rafah on Monday morning local time, but left 37 people dead and injured dozens of others according to Gaza health officials, in the city located south of Gaza.

A joint operation by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Israel's Shin Bet domestic security service, and the Special Police Unit in Rafah freed Fernando Simon Marman (60) and Louis Hare (70) the Israeli military said. The military said the two were kidnapped by Hamas from Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak on October 7, were in good condition, and taken to the Tel Hashomer Medical Complex (Sheba Medical Center).

"It was a very complex operation," said Israeli military spokesman Lt. Col. Richard Hecht, reported by Reuters, February 12.

The hostages were being held on the second floor of a building that was breached with explosives during the raid, which led to heavy gunfire with surrounding buildings, Hecht said.

"We have been preparing for this operation for a long time. We are waiting for the right conditions," he continued.

At the same time, he continued, air strikes were carried out to allow troops to be withdrawn from the operation location.

The airstrike caused widespread panic in Rafah as many people were asleep when the attack began, residents contacted by Reuters said, with some fearing that Israel had begun its ground attack on Rafah.

Israeli planes, tanks, and ships took part in the attacks, with two mosques and several houses hit, according to residents.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military said on Monday it had carried out a "series of attacks" in southern Gaza that had now "ended", without providing further details.

Before previous attacks on Gaza cities, the Israeli military had ordered civilians to leave without preparing specific evacuation plans.

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