SOLO - Prospective vice president number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka and his wife Selvi Ananda will exercise their voting rights at TPS 34 Manahan Village, Banjarsari District, Surakarta City on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka confirmed that he would give his voting rights in the 2024 General Election in Surakarta City, Central Java. "Yes, in Solo alone," said Gibran in Surakarta City, Central Java, Monday, February 12. Gibran has received an invitation letter from the Surakarta City General Election Commission (KPU) to vote on Wednesday, February 14. "I did not vote in Surakarta. Previously, Surakarta City KPU chairman Bambang Christanto said Gibran and his wife would vote at TPS 034 Manahan, Banjarsari, Surakarta City.

The location of the Gibran TPS is based on the results of checking at the online DPT based on the population identification number (NIK). "That's the location of the TPS that we checked yesterday at the online DPT, the basis is NIK," said Bambang. Until now, the Surakarta City KPU has not received information about the transfer of voters from Gibran.

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