IKN Authority Calls The Archipelago Palace And Hotel Ready August 17, 2024
Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) Bambang Susantono (photo: Antara)

Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (IKN) Bambang Susantono said that the construction of the state palace and the Nusantara hotel had gone well according to the target and was ready to be used at the independence ceremony at IKN on August 17, 2024 with President Joko Widodo.

"In front of the palace, ceremonial fields have been installed for ceremony venues. Government offices as well as God willing, almost everything will be finished and August will be seen," he said in Samarinda, quoted by Antara, Sunday. Bambang continued that later there will also be expo points featuring several buildings that describe the vision of IKN in 2045. He hopes that visitors can see and feel how IKN will become a world city for all. "There will be small houses, there will be robotics, really futuristics. We want visitors to see and feel how IKN will become a world city for all," he explained.

Bambang said that his party continues to disseminate and disseminate positive information about the development of IKN as a smart, inclusive, and sustainable city. "Until now, we also cannot close ourselves that there are still aquatic communities who still doubt IKN. Therefore, we want social media and mass media to be able to provide information to the public about the real facts and data in the field," said Bambang. Bambang explained that in the political year, the IKN Authority has carried out several socialization activities, such as Nusantara Fair in Jakarta, Nusantara Goes to Campus, and road shows to various regions. He emphasized that the IKN Authority works professionally to realize the mandate of the law that mandates the development of IKN as a green, smart, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable city. According to him, based on Law Number 21 of 2023 concerning Amendments to Law Number 3 of 2022 concerning the Establishment of the State Capital, the area of the capital of the archipelago is 252,600 hectares and the sea area is 69,769 hectares. "From the area of the land area, only about 22 percent or 56,159 hectares will become the Capital Core Region of the Archipelago, which includes the center of government, business, education, and culture," said Bambang.

Kemudian, tambahnya, sekitar 78 persen atau 196.500 hektar, akan menjadi kawasan pengembangan ibukota Nusantara, yang meliputi kawasan industri, pertanian, perkebunan, dan konservasi.Bambang juga menjelaskan bahwa pembangunan ibukota Nusantara mengusung konsep smart and forest city, yaitu kota pintar yang berkelanjutan, ramah lingkungan, dan berbasis teknologi.Konsep ini ditujukan untuk menjawab tantangan dan permasalahan yang akan dihadapi ibukota Nusantara di masa depan, serta untuk menunjang kebutuhan masyarakat yang terus berkembang."Kami berharap IKN dapat menjadi simbol kebanggaan dan identitas bangsa Indonesia, yang maju, beradab, dan berdaya saing di kancah global," tutup Bambang.

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