JAKARTA - Pangdam Jaya Dudung Abdurachman ordered Pomdam Jaya to oversee the investigation process in the shooting case of a TNI member at RM Cafe, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

Kapendam Jaya Lieutenant Colonel Arh Herwin BS said the order had to be carried out so that the legal process related to the case ran well.

"Pangdam Jaya has ordered Pomdam Jaya to continue to supervise the investigation and investigation carried out by the Polda so that this problem is resolved in a just manner," Herwin told reporters, Thursday, February 25.

This message, said Herwin, also aims that there are no issues behind the case. So that, later it won't cause turmoil that has a bad impact.

"This message is conveyed so that the rank units under the Jaya Regional Military Command and those in Jakarta do not create issues that can damage the stability of security in the capital," he said.

In addition, the Pangdam also advised that after this issue, it was hoped that the TNI-Polri synergy would continue to be well-maintained. For that, patrol activities must be carried out more intensely.

"To fellow soldiers in the field, so that a provoked dynamic does not occur. We still hope for synergy between the TNI and Polri," he said.

Previously it was reported, the Head of Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran, said that the shooter, who was his subordinate with the initials CS, had been named a suspect. In fact, in this case the police officers were charged under the criminal act of murder.

"This morning (the police) have been named as suspects," said Fadil.

In this case too, CS was charged with article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder. The use of this article is because the investigator judges that the element of murder has been fulfilled in the act.

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