The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Sitaro Islands Regency asked residents to be aware of the potential threat of floods of volcanic material from Mount Karangetang on Siau Island.

"The condition of rainfall that hit Siau Island can cause the threat of flooding of volcanic material from Mount Karangetang," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of BPBD Sitaro Sonny Belseran in Manado, North Sulawesi (Sulut), Wednesday, February 7, as reported by Antara.

He said that after the eruption of Mount Karangetang in early February 2023, many volcanic material had accumulated at the top and even the mountain body.

The accumulation of eruptive materials is very vulnerable to falling to the downstream part carried by the rain that has been pouring down recently.

"Therefore, we ask residents who live in the downstream part of rivers that originate at the top of the mountain to be careful of these threats," he said.

Moreover, he said, a number of places had been affected by volcanic material flooding from the summit and then followed the river flow where there were residential areas around them.

He said that Batubulan Village, Kinali Village, Lehi Village, Karalung Village, Bebali Village, Taroane Village, and Tatahadeng Village had been hit by the volcanic material flood of Mount Karangetang.

"We also ask residents to comply with the hazard radius recommended by the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation," he said.

Mount Karangetang on Siau Island erupted in February 2023 after showing an increase in volcanic activity. Residents in several settlements were evacuated for several weeks after a potential threat of hot clouds of avalanches emerged from the crater peak.

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