JAKARTA - Two explosions near Pakistan's election participating office in Blochistan Province, killed 26 people and injured dozens more on Wednesday, officials said, raising concerns about the security a day ahead of Thursday's election.

The first attack to kill 14 people took place near an independent candidate's office in an election in Pishin District, reported by Reuters on February 7.

The second explosion in Qilla Saifullah, near the Afghan border, occurred near the office of Jamiat Ulema Islam (JUI), a religious party that was previously the target of a militant attack, according to the provincial's information minister.

Deputy Commissioner Qilla Saifullah, Yasir Bazai said 12 people were killed and 25 injured as a result of objects planted on motorbikes parked near the office.

Khanzai Hospital, near the blast site in Pishin on Wednesday, said the death toll was 14 people and said more than two dozen people were injured. Meanwhile, Pishin District Deputy commissioner, Jumma Dad Khan, said the explosion had injured many people.

"I am shocked by today's terrorist attack and condemn those who try to prevent the public from voting," said British High Commissioner to Pakistan Jane Marriott.

It is not clear who was behind the attack. Several groups, including the Islamic militants Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and separatist groups from Blochistan, opposed Pakistan and have carried out attacks in recent months.

A TTP spokesman claimed Monday's attack killed 10 people at a police station in northwest Pakistan. TTP said it was targeting police and security officials, compared to election candidates.

The attack comes as political parties complete their campaign in a quiet period mandated by regulations the day before the election.

Meanwhile, Pakistan's Foreign Office said in a statement its western border with Iran and Afghanistan would be closed and reopened on Friday to ensure security during elections.

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