JAKARTA - Hundreds of students held a follow-up demonstration at the Harmoni intersection, Central Jakarta on Wednesday, February 7, afternoon. They carried flags and a command car and held an action behind the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia at 17.54 WIB.

The Coordinator of the PTKIN SEMA Center, Musthafa said, the mass of the joint student action took to the streets from the Indonesian Student Legislative Institute Forum (FL2MI), the State Religious College Student Senate (SEMA PTKIN), and the All-Indonesian Association of Constitutional Law Students (AM HTN-SI).

"We have conferred President Jokowi (Joko Widodo) as the Father of Dynasty Political Development because he has succeeded in building the political practice of nepotism by utilizing the existing state structure and apparatus," Musthafa said in a statement received by VOI, Wednesday, February 7, afternoon.

The award, continued Musthafa, could be revoked if Jokowi focuses on being President of the Republic of Indonesia at the end of his term of office.

"We also urge the organizers of the 2024 General Election, KPU, Bawaslu, and DKPP as well as the Constitutional Court to be integrity, independent, and professional based on direct, clean, honest, and fair principles in order to create a peaceful, safe, conducive, and just state stability," he said.

Musthafa said students also demanded various forms of fraud, both structured, systematic, and massive.

"This award is given as a form of moral responsibility for the nation's children," he said.

Meanwhile, from VOI's observation at the location, the mass action was closely monitored by members of the National Police in full uniform and three layers of concrete fences, barbed wire and MCB as high as 2 meters.

This action is still conducive. The students continued to voice their demands under the security of members of the National Police.

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