JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will conduct a study related to funding for the 2024 General Election. This step was taken to prevent violent practices during the democratic party. "KPK will conduct a study of all state funding for elections, including the KPU, Bawaslu and others, both at the central and regional levels," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron at a press conference at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, February 7. "This program is related to planning and budgeting areas so that it can prevent corruption in the implementation of elections," added Ghufron. Furthermore, the anti-corruption commission has also organized anti-corruption programs through Strengthening Anti-Corruption for State Officials with Integrity (PAKU INTEGRITAS) and Smart Integrity Politics (PCB) for policy makers and election participants. In fact, the KPK has the slogan 'Learn Fajar Attack'. "KPK reminds all parties, both the government, organizers and participants and voters to carry out this general election with the principle of being honest, fair and with integrity by avoiding money politics and transactional politics," explained Ghufron. Meanwhile, the Deputy for Education and Community Participation of the KPK, Wawan Wardiana, said that the slogan 'Learning Fajar Attack' had been voiced through various mass media. The goal is that people reject money politics or any gifts related to elections.
"KPK continues to campaign for the 'Strengthening Fajar Attack' in the form of campaigns that are of the nature of all stakeholders, both the community and the election organizers, as well as the election participants," concluded Wawan.

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