JAKARTA - The public prosecutor (JPU) demanded a five-year prison sentence of Muhammad Irwin, a commitment-making official (PPK) for the procurement of marching band art equipment at the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Education and Culture Office (Dikbud).

Irwin is a defendant in the corruption of the procurement project sourced from the 2017 APBD funds.

"Demanding that the panel of judges impose a sentence of five years and six months in prison against the defendant Muhammad Irwin," said Ema Mulyawati representing the team of public prosecutors reading out the charges before the Panel of Judges at the Mataram District Court, NTB, Tuesday, February 6, confiscated by Antara.

The prosecutor also asked the panel of judges to impose a fine on Irwin in the amount of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison.

Apart from Irwin, the second defendant in this case is Lalu Buntaran alias Ading as the provider of goods from CV Gold Dew.

Ading was sentenced to 6 years in prison with a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison.

The prosecutor also charged the defendant Ading to pay compensation for state financial losses worth Rp. 546 million, subsidiary to 3 years and 3 months in prison.

The prosecutor stated that the defendants Irwin and Ading were proven to have violated the primary indictment relating to Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code. In the description of the indictment, the prosecutor stated that Irwin and Ading had made an evil consensus in carrying out the procurement project sourced from the 2017 APBD funds.

The conspiracy began with the preparation of the self-estimated price (HPS) and the determination of the Marching Band equipment specifications at the NTB Education and Culture Office.

The defendant Irwin as PPK initially determined the value of HPS, asking for the first time his subordinate, Sabarudin, to conduct a market survey.

Sabarudin received the results of a survey via the internet in the form of 17 recommendations for the band's marketing tool from Julang Marching Band in Yogyakarta. The results of the survey were then submitted to the defendant Irwin.

Following up on the survey results, the defendant Irwin submitted a list of 17 recommendations for the band's marketing tool to Ading and Sapoan.

With this list, Ading then contacted Julang Marching Band and asked for a price list for a unit consisting of 17 band marching tools.

After getting the price list, the defendant Ading handed it over to the defendant Irwin at the NTB Dikbud Office and used it to prepare HPS for a unit of completeness of the band's marketing equipment with a value of Rp. 212 million.

From the description of the demands, it was revealed that the CV Gold Shop which emerged as the winner of the project auction belonged to the younger brother of defendant Ading.

The prosecutor in the charge said that the defendant Ading in the auction process carried out a monopoly action. This was proven by the prosecutor by the presence of dozens of companies that registered as auction participants, but only the CV Gold Dew attached the offering price.

Not only carrying out a monopoly action, the defendant Ading as a provider of goods by borrowing the flag of the company owned by his younger brother did not distribute the goods according to the planning specifications.

With these demands, the prosecutor revealed that there was a state financial loss that arose based on the results of the NTB BPKP audit worth Rp702 million.

The project at the NTB Education and Culture Office aims to improve the quality of education at the High School stage.

The government through the NTB Education and Culture Office distributed 2017 APBD funds for the band's marketing equipment in two procurement packages.

The first package, PPK compiled HPS worth IDR 1.69 billion for 8 units of band marketing equipment procurement. The second package, HPS worth IDR 1.06 billion for 5 units of band marching equipment procurement.

Both procurement packages were won by CV Gold Shop which is based in Central Lombok Regency with an offering value of IDR 1.57 billion for the first package and IDR 982 million in the second package.

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