YOGYAKARTA - Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) is one of the social assistance disbursed by the government to the poor. This social assistance is a strategic initiative of the Indonesian government in helping families who face economic difficulties.

BNPT is one of the social assistance disbursed by the government in early 2024. Through this program, the government not only distributes food aid directly, but also as an effort to overcome poverty in the country.

The government accelerated the process of distributing BPNT at the beginning of this year. The disbursement process is carried out by transferring funds to the Prosperous Family Card (KKS) account through Himbara Bank which includes BRI, BNI, BSI, and Mandiri. So what are the criteria for non-cash food aid recipients?

Reporting from the OJK page, non-cash food assistance or BPNT was originally called the raskin program. Then the provision of this raskin social assistance was replaced using an electronic card that was distributed directly to the recipient's family. Assistance and subsidies will be provided non-cash through the banking system.

BPNT is given as a poverty reduction program which includes social security protection, social empowerment, social rehabilitation, and basic services. Non-cash social assistance distribution is considered more efficient, on target, on time, on the right number, on quality, and right in terms of administration.

Electronic cards referred to in the BPNT social assistance program can be used to obtain basic commodities, such as rice, eggs, oil, and so on. The public can take advantage of assistance to buy basic necessities in stalls, markets, shops, and so on at applicable prices.

The provision of BPNT social assistance to the community has reached the standing instrument (SI) stage. The status of the distribution shows that the funds are in the process of being transferred from the government to the KKS card.

The amount of non-cash food assistance disbursed is IDR 200 thousand per month for each beneficiary family (KPM). The first stage of BPNT is given, including January, February, and March.

KPM will receive a total of Rp600 thousand BPNT in one distribution. BPNT disbursement will be carried out every month for a full year. The schedule for distributing social assistance can vary in each region according to the policies of each regional government.

The government has set a number of criteria for people who are recipients of non-cash food assistance. BPNT recipients are Indonesian citizens (WNI) who have identity cards (KTP) and are registered in the Ministry of Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS).

For families who have not been registered with DTKS, they are advised to ensure that they are not missed from the BPNT social assistance program. People registered as recipients, KPM will receive assistance for BNPT funds of 2.4 million for one year which is channeled through KKS accounts.

The following are a number of criteria for the community or families of BPNT recipients:

Maybe some people don't know whether he is included as a recipient of the 2024 BPNT. The public is expected to check whether or not his name is registered as a recipient of this social assistance.

The public can check the feasibility of receiving BPNT social assistance through the following steps:

That is information on non-cash food assistance in 2024 that the public needs to know. BPNT was given as a step by the government to help the economy of poor families. Also read the list of social assistance that was disbursed at the beginning of the year.

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