The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of West Nusa Tenggara reminded the campaign team for presidential and vice presidential candidates Prabowo-Gibran not to hold campaigns outside the schedule set by the KPU, because if it cannot, criminal offenses can be imposed.
The Coordinator of the Division for Handling Violations and Information Data of the NTB Bawaslu, Umar A Seth, said, based on the campaign schedule that on February 6, 2024, it belonged to the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 01, Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (Amin). However, from the information circulating, that on the same day and date there will also be a Prabowo-Gibran campaign.
"There is information that candidate pair number 02, Prabowo-Gibran will carry out a campaign at the same time as candidate pair 01. It should not be done. Because candidate pair number 02 is on the schedule on 7 February. So if this is still done then it has been a criminal offense," he said in Mataram, NTB, Sunday.
According to him, the schedule for the 6th is to campaign for an open meeting of pair number 01 Anies-Muhaimin, so if it is held on that date, the pair number 01 may carry out campaign activities throughout the NTB region.
"As soon as we received the information, we immediately went down to the campaign team pair number 02, to appeal not to campaign outside the predetermined schedule," he said.
He said that if the campaign was carried out simultaneously on the same day and date, it was feared that there would be friction and collisions, especially between supporters. To avoid this, his party immediately took quick steps as a precautionary measure. Namely by visiting the 02 Regional Campaign Team to communicate well.
"As soon as we received the information, we immediately went down to the campaign team pair number 02, to appeal not to campaign outside the predetermined schedule," he said.
In addition, they have also visited the NTB Regional Police, to discuss the open campaign plan. This is to maintain stability in the regions.
"Because after all, the two campaign candidate pairs at the same time will (potentially) occur," he said.
In line with that, the Coordinator of the Legal Division and the Settlement of the NTB Bawaslu Dispute, Suhardi, also reminded the Prabowo-Girbran committee and TKD not to hold a campaign on February 6, 2024. Because, if it is still held, it can be ascertained that there is a violation.
"Because we have warned, do not let the campaign go beyond schedule. Because this is clearly a potential crime. The one that will be in front will be the organizers," he said.
If this must be forced by the winning team 02, then his party will act in accordance with Bawaslu's authority to process this further.
"Because later we will document it and it will be stated in the form of a report on the results of the supervision. So if there is a violation, we will determine the violation and then we will continue the criminal offense," he said.
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