JAKARTA - The Chancellor of the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar invites the public to be responsible for carrying out the 2024 Election process as a milestone for democracy that plays an important role in the life of the nation and state. "As citizens, we are jointly responsible for participating in determining the nation's future direction through their right to vote," he said in an official statement in Jakarta, Sunday. Therefore, Asep invites the public to jointly oversee the implementation of the 2024 General Election as a stage that is full of national values, solidarity, and unity. For this reason, he appealed to the public to respect and respect the differences in the political choices of each individual, because differences in views and political choices are capital in enriching understanding as well as strengthening awareness of the nation and state. Then, he continued, prioritizing political education for the community and increasing election participation by upholding harmony, peace, and being responsible for using their voting rights.

"In addition, rejecting all forms of campaigns that contain hatred and degrading the dignity of other parties so as to ignite conflict and hostility," he said. He continued, Asep also appealed to the public to stop all efforts to spread false information or hoaxes that undermine the democratic climate and invite the public to be critical and wise in filtering information before spreading it, as well as prioritizing reliable sources of information. He continued, maintaining public unity and inviting all parties to promote and strengthen bonds of brotherhood in building a better Indonesia. He also invited the community to commit to overseeing the implementation of the 2024 Election as a democratic process that prioritizes the attitude of tawasut (moderate), iktidal (smooth), tasamuh (ches of the chest) deliberation, and islah (peace of disputes), so that elections take place peacefully for the progress of Indonesia. "Hopefully a peaceful, just, and dignified 2024 election will be achieved and the self-serving of Allah SWT will become the nation and state of Indonesia baldatun thayyibatun wa rabbun ghafur (a country that collects the good nature and good behavior of its inhabitants)," said Asep Saepudin. Jahar.

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