TASIKMALAYA - The Tasikmalaya City Police arrested three people who were caught carrying and were about to distribute counterfeit rupiah in Tasikmalaya City, West Java with evidence of 1,144 counterfeit notes in 100 thousand denominations.

"There are three people who have been determined in the case of non-original money, 1,144 pieces of evidence that were secured by non-native money," said Tasikmalaya City Police Chief AKBP Joko Sulistiono as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, February 1.

He mentioned three people who were arrested, namely one man with the initials TW (54) a resident of Sukabumi, West Java, then two women with the initials YA (33) a resident of Kendal, Central Java, and SS (46) a resident of Aceh.

The three people who were arrested by the Police Criminal Investigation Unit, said the Police Chief, in their action were classified as reckless because the perpetrators wanted to exchange the counterfeit money into the bank.

"Starting from the report from Bank Indonesia Tasikmalaya that there are three people who want to exchange money that is suspected to be genuine," said the Police Chief.

The police also have other evidence, such as the Inova vehicle with license plate number B1216 BMM, then fake bills that have been printed and ready to be distributed.

From the perpetrator's confession, the counterfeit money was obtained from someone in Depok, West Java, whose case is currently still being developed to be able to reveal other facts.

"Continue to carry out intensive examinations to uncover this case," he said.

Head of the BI Tasikmalaya Representative Office, Aswi Kosotali, confirmed that the results of the examination were seen, felt, and scanned (3D), the banknote of one hundred thousand rupiahs was counterfeit money.

As a result of his actions, the three suspects were charged with Article 36 of Law No. 7 of 2011 concerning Currency, Articles 244 and 245 and Article 55 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 15 years in prison.

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