JAKARTA - The Singkawang City Government of West Kalimantan stated that they would not hold the Cap Go Meh Festival in 2021 considering the COVID-19 pandemic which has not ended.

The decision was based on a meeting and mutual agreement between the Singkawang City Government, the Police Chief, the Dandim, the Head of the Ministry of Religion Office, the Head of Disparpora, the Chairperson of the Imlek and CGM Organizing Committee as well as 8 religious assemblies in Singkawang City.

Mayor of Singkawang, Tjhai Chui Mie, said that this agreement was followed up by the Governor of West Kalimantan circular letter Number 443.1 / 0111/2021 dated January 8, 2021.

It contains restrictions on community activities and a temporary ban on the Cap Go Meh celebration to control the spread of COVID-19 in West Kalimantan.

Furthermore, the results of the agreement on the implementation of the Imlek 2572 and Cap Go Meh 2021 activities on January 22, 2021 and January 26, 2021 regarding the enforcement of the Governor's circular. Thus, there is no convoy of tatung, dragons, barongsai and the like carrying litters, sound tools and personnel who invite the crowd.

"Religious rituals are still permitted to be carried out by clergy or tatung, especially starting on February 25, 2021, the 14th of the 1st month of 2572 at the Shin Than Altar, Temple, Cetia / Vihara respectively by adhering to health protocols," the Mayor explained. Wednesday, February 24th.

Rituals on Cap Go Meh day by clergy or tatung on February 26, 2021, 15 month 1 of 2572 are held at the Altar or Shin Than respectively by adhering to health protocols until 11.00 WIB.

"We urge people to pray in their homes and areas," he said.

Furthermore, this agreement is valid from February 22, 2021 to February 26, 2021. "The people and clergy in particular are able to tolerate this agreement," he explained.

Kapolres Singkawang, AKBP Prasetiyo Adhi Wibowo said that his party, together with elements of the TNI and others, were ready to secure the way of worship carried out by local people.

"In addition to providing security, we will also conduct disciplinary measures and dispersal of community crowds as we did in order to welcome the Chinese New Year," he said.

He emphasized that the Singkawang City Government has never prohibited its followers from performing worship. Even the police and the TNI are always ready to provide security for religious activities so that they can be carried out safely, orderly, comfortably and smoothly.

"We also advise all visitors who will visit Singkawang City to comply with the Singkawang City Government's appeal and also apply health protocols," he said.

When this is violated, the Singkawang City COVID-19 Task Force will control and enforce the Health Protocol

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