Metro Police Chief Predicts APDESI Demonstration Ends In Chaos, Demonstrators Prepare 30 Tires And Godam
Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto (STIMEWA'S DOK PHOTO)

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto said that he had predicted that demonstrations carried out by the All-Indonesian Village Government Association (APDESI) would lead to chaos. This is because the masses are said to have prepared everything.

"Today my friends saw that there was an action of expressing opinions in the DPR which was slightly colored by the destruction of a small part of the outside DPR fence, and we know they have prepared," Karyoto told reporters, Wednesday, January 31.

Because they had predicted, the police held a raid. As a result, dozens of used tires that were planned to be burned during the demonstration could be secured.

"I've got a lot more than 30 because if the tires are burned by 30 seeds, you can imagine black smoke as if it would cause chaos," he said.

In addition, the demonstration was also considered unreasonable. Because, from the mass of the action, there were those who brought a hammer or hammer.

Palu was used to break concrete. The shards were then thrown at the police on guard to secure the demonstration.

"Because of this, some of these concretes were broken down using iron rods and then to beat the police and we didn't reply, we just kept urging us not to be anarchic and while holding on to spraying water," said Karyoto.

In addition, the masses also damaged a small fence outside the DPR building. Therefore, Polda Metro Jaya will investigate the vandalism.

The investigation was carried out by tracing photos or videos when the vandalism occurred. Through the documentation of the demonstration, it will be known who the perpetrator was from the destruction of the fence outside the DPR building.

"Yes, of course (investigated), we have documentation but it's slowly," said Karyoto.

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