NTB - Professor of Law at Mataram University (Unram) Professor Zainal Asikin reported the alleged corruption case that rolled out at Bank Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) Syariah to the NTB Police.

"We have reported several points. First, reports about credit that have problems with a value of Rp. 24 billion," said Asikin in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, January 30, which was confiscated by Antara.

According to him, there are indications of misapprocedure fraud in terms of credit payments. This makes Bank NTB Syariah as a regional-owned enterprise (BUMD) threatened with losses.

Another problem included in the report, he continued, relates to physical projects in the construction of the NTB Syariah Bank Headquarters on Udayana Street, Mataram City.

"That is in accordance with BPK's findings, there is a shortage of work volume of IDR 2.4 billion. This loss figure includes the construction project of 12 auxiliary branch offices, but the largest is the construction of the head office," he said.

Other corruption issues are related to the sponsorship fund of Bank NTB Syariah. According to him, law enforcement must trace accountability reports from the distribution of sponsorship funds.

"Many sponsorship funds have no clear accountability," he said.

One of them, fund support of IDR 5 billion for the MXGP Samota event on Sumbawa Island. According to him, the police must examine accountability reports from the support of the funds.

By describing this report, he hopes that law enforcement will solve this issue thoroughly, considering that Bank NTB Syariah is one of the BUMDs that is the mainstay of regional revenue contributors.

"Just investigate, don't let cases like this happen. Regional banks need to be healthy, this bank needs to be treated," said Asikin.

Furthermore, the professor, who has knowledge in the field of business law, admitted that he not only reported this matter to the NTB Police, but the report was also forwarded to the NTB Prosecutor's Office.

If law enforcement officials seriously follow up on the report, he will fully disclose the data on this corruption issue.

"So, the report is just the beginning because I haven't given much data yet," he said.

Regarding the report that came to the NTB Police, Asikin admitted that he had received a notification letter on the progress of the investigation results (SP2HP) with the number: B/49/l/RES.3.3/2024/Ditreskrimsus, dated January 18, 2024.

In the letter, Asikin as the reporter received information from the police that the complaint report had been received and followed up to the stage of gathering information.

Director of Special Criminal Investigation (Dirreskrimsus) Polda NTB Kombes Pol. Nasrun Pasaribu, who was confirmed by telephone, admitted that he had not received the report.

"Nothing has come to us yet, there is no such thing. Even if there is, we will let you know," he said.

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