ACEH - Banda Aceh Police Satreskrim is pursuing the perpetrator of the murder of a cell phone trader in the Gla Meunasah Baro Village area, Krueng Barona Jaya, Aceh Besar on Monday morning. "After carrying out the persecution, the perpetrator immediately got into the black Avanza car and fled, we are investigating the car," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Police, Kompol Fadillah Aditya Pratama in Banda Aceh, Antara, Monday, January 29. The victim Fajarullah (25) is a resident of Dayah Meunara, Titeu, Pidie Regency who was working in Aceh Besar. The victim was killed by an unknown perpetrator. When found the victim was covered in blood all over his body "We are still conducting TKP with the Inafis team, and examining the victim's body by a team of doctors at RSUZA Banda Aceh," he said. Fadillah explained that this case occurred at around 03.00 WIB in the morning. The victim saw a black Toyota Avanza car stop, and one of the passengers got out of the car following the victim towards the bathroom. "The victim was followed by passengers from a black Toyota Avanza car to the bathroom," he said. After the victim came out of the bathroom, continued Fadillah, someone suspected of being the perpetrator immediately assaulted the victim using a sharp weapon until he lay down and died.
"The victim was found covered in blood on the right side of the neck, and a stab wound to the chest," he said. Fadillah asked the public to be able to provide information if they know or see the characteristics and cars used by the perpetrators to the nearest police force. "We ask for information from residents who know, we will keep the identity of the reporter secret," said Kompol Fadillah.

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