JAKARTA - The elderly named Aswin (61) alias S alias OM alias Bambang, the perpetrators of sexual abuse of three underage children in the Pisangan Baru area, Matraman District, East Jakarta (Jaktim), are graduates of Masters.
"The perpetrator with the initials S is an economic scholar and management master. His job is an entrepreneur," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly to VOI, Sunday, January 28.
Although the perpetrator is 61 years old, he does not yet have a wife. The perpetrator committed acts of sexual abuse against the victim until one of the victims screamed hysterically.
"The point is (the perpetrator) is an adult, he molested three underage children. He carried, kissed, felt the victim's vital equipment," he said.
The act of obscenity was revealed after one of the victims was stunned and could escape from the perpetrator's arms. The victim fled and reported it to his parents.
"One of the victims was stunned and could be released, finally one of the victims reported to his parents and the video that the incident went viral. A report has been made from the victim's parents to the East Jakarta Police," he said.
Previously, an elderly person named Aswin was successfully secured by the Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) of the East Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim because he was caught molesting three underage children, Sunday, January 28.
The perpetrator carried out his depraved act in a house located on Pisangan Baru III Street, RT 09/07, Pisangan Baru Village, Matraman District, East Jakarta on Saturday night, January 27. The perpetrator was desperate to commit an obscene act because he often watched pornographic films.
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