BEKASI - The Bekasi District Attorney (Kejari) has imposed a fine of Rp. 200 million on the PT NTS hazardous and toxic waste disposal company (B3) in Pasirsari Village, South Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency, as a result of operating without a permit and being proven to pollute the environment.

Head of the Bekasi District Attorney's Office, Dwi Astuti Benniyati, said that the execution of the fine was carried out after the B3 waste case was declared inkrah by the Cikarang District Court on August 30, 2023.

"The decision of the Cikarang District Court is to impose a crime against corporations who commit crimes in the environmental sector with a fine of Rp. 200 million," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, January 27.

He said law enforcement in the environmental sector must be carried out with full commitment and firmness. This is important to prevent and minimize criminal acts that result in environmental damage to threaten the survival of the community.

"We certainly express our appreciation and appreciation for the obligation to pay this fine," he said.

The imposition of a criminal fine on corporations that commit criminal acts in the environmental sector is expected to have a deterrent and domino effect on the community as a form of learning so that they no longer commit acts that result in environmental damage.

"The Bekasi District Attorney's Office is always fully committed to supporting the government's program in preserving the environment, especially through law enforcement instruments," he said.

Penerimaan uang pidana denda tersebut kemudian disetorkan ke kas negara sebagai pendapatan negara bukan pajak.

In addition to paying fines, PT NTS is also obliged to make environmental improvements by removing and cleaning B3 waste and contaminated soil in the company's operational area.

Next, restore environmental functions in locations contaminated with B3 waste, as well as carry out construction, repair, and optimization of Wastewater Management Installation (IPAL) to drain B3 waste from B3 waste collection activities.

"The company in question is also required to apply for permits related to environmental management in the form of a wastewater disposal permit," said Dwi Astuti.

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