Polda Metro: Confiscation Of Aiman's Cellphones For Investigation
Aiman Witjaksono di Polda Metro Jaya, Jumat (26/1/2024). ANTARA/Ilham Kausar

Director of Special Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya Police Commissioner Ade Safri Simanjuntak confirmed that the confiscation of Aiman Witjaksono's cell phone was for the sake of evidence in the investigation.

"The confiscation is a series of actions by investigators to take over and or store under their control, objects moving or not moving, tangible or intangible, for the sake of evidence in investigation, prosecution and judiciary," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 26.

Ade Safri also explained that currently Aiman's status is still a witness in the alleged case of spreading false news or hoaxes.

When asked about the arrival of the General Chairperson of the Perindo Party, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, to the Polda Metro Jaya, Ade Safri admitted that he did not know and there was no agenda for summoning the person concerned.

Ade Safri emphasized that his party will continue to conduct professional and accountable examinations of this case.

"Investigators will conduct investigations in a professional, transparent and accountable manner and are free from any form of intimidation, intervention or pressure," he said.

Chairman of the Perindo Party, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, visited the Polda Metro Jaya to check on his subordinates who were being examined as witnesses, namely Aiman Witjaksono, related to fake news or hoaxes.

"Because my subordinate Aiman (Witjaksono) was BAP from this morning until 19.00 WIB, it was still not finished, so I came here," he said when met at Polda Metro Jaya.

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Hary Tanoe also admitted that he was confused because Aiman was examined in his capacity as a witness but the cell phone (cellphone) was confiscated by investigators from the Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation (Ditreskrimsus) Polda Metro Jaya.

"My subordinate Aiman, he was called as a witness but his cellphone was about to be confiscated. I'm confused. I'm a lot of friends," he said.

He questioned the confiscation of the cellphone (HP). "As a witness, the cellphone was confiscated, as far as I know, if the suspect has just been allowed to have a confiscation, that's why I came here to ask questions," he said.

Hary Tanoe also explained that he had no problem with the confiscation of Aiman's cellphone but his status was still a witness.

"Not afraid that the cellphone problem will be confiscated, but the problem here is Aiman as a citizen, he has rights, he has obligations. As a suspect, it is natural," he said.

Hary Tanoe was also disappointed because he was not allowed to enter the Ditreskrimsus room of the Polda Metro Jaya which made him finally leave the building.

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