Floods Soak 52 Villages In Bireuen Aceh, 1,199 Residents Refuge
The flood that submerged people's houses in Bireuen Regency, Aceh, Friday (26/1/2024). (ANTARA/HO-BPBD Bireuen)

The flood triggered by high rainfall is still submerging residential areas in 52 gampongs or villages in Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province, causing 1,199 people to evacuate according to the Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA).

"People are still at the evacuation points established by their respective village officials," said BPBA Chief Executive Ilyas through the BPBA Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) as reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 26.

Ilyas explained that the flood began to inundate the Bireuen area on Thursday (25/1) at around 20.30 WIB. The affected areas include 32 villages in Jeunieb District, then 13 villages in Pandrah District, and seven villages in Peulimbang District.

"Flooding due to heavy rains that hit Bireuen Regency on January 25, 2024, has resulted in flooding in three sub-districts within the Bireuen area," he said.

The impact of the flood caused one unit of a wooden construction house and one pickup car to be heavily damaged.

"There were no casualties in this incident," he said.

For temporary data, said Ilyas, there were 2,156 families affected in Jeunieb (KK), and 3,010 people in Pandrah District in 1,302 families. Bireuen BPBD officers are still collecting data on affected victims in several other villages, including in Peulimbang District.

Hingga kini, tercatat 1.199 jiwa harus mengungsi, yang tersebar di 11 titik lokasi dalam sembilan desa di Kecamatan Jeunieb, meliputi Desa Dayah Blang Reuleiu, Janggot Seungko, Ule Raboe, Tanjong Bungu, Dayah Baroe, Teupin Kupula, Blangme Barat, Meunasah Kupula, dan Cot Geuleumpang Baroh.

Generally they evacuate in the village meunasah (musala). The refugees have also established a public kitchen because they cannot cook in their respective homes.

Petugas tim reaksi cepat BPBD Bireuen masih terus melakukan pemantauan dan pendataan. Pihaknya juga telah melakukan rapat koordinasi Sekretaris Daerah Bireuen, Dinas Sosial dan Forkopimcam dalam upaya menyemukan bantuan masa panik dari Dinas Sosial Aceh.

"Regarding the Bireuen Regency Social Service and the Bireuen Regency BPBD, the logistics stock is still empty," he said.

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