JAKARTA - Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin appreciated various service breakthroughs at the KRMT Wongsonegoro Hospital (RSWN) Semarang.

According to him, the complete and repsrecentative Semarang RSWN facilities, the use of advances in digital technology, child-friendly hospital services, to the availability of traditional medical installations.

"I appreciate this hospital. The service has been carried out digitally and there is even a robot to guide which direction the patient is," said the Vice President on the sidelines of a review at RSWN Semarang, Friday, January 26, quoted by Antara.

Ma'ruf also appreciated the combination of modern and traditional services provided by the Semarang City Government Hospital.

"Then there is also a modern and traditional mix of services. So, there is also acupuncture, there is massage of baby children, so there are traditional services," he said.

"I also see that in addition to curative treatment services, some are rehabilitative and some are even promotive preventive, this is done in collaboration with the puskesmas," he continued.

Even though the services and equipment provided are adequate, the Vice President hopes that RSWN will continue to improve its facilities and services to the community.

Overall, he assessed that the service is quite representative, especially since a 12-story building will be built which of course will add better services with MRI 3 Tesla and dialysis services.

"I just hope that there will be another increase. I heard that 12 more floors will be built, it is to provide services in modern ways. It is even equipped with MRI 3 Tesla," he said.

MRI 3 Tesla Skyra is the latest medical technology that can provide an image of the image with excellent anatomic details, especially for cerebral disorders or for the whole body.

In addition, the Vice President assessed that RSWN also made a special service program for children with a better approach so as to eliminate trauma if children came to the hospital.

"I see there is a kind of better approach that relieves children's trauma in the hospital in stripes. Child-friendly services," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of RSWN Semarang Doctor Eko Krisnarto, Sp.KK said that RSWN does provide child-friendly services to relieve children's trauma in hospitals with the "Mas Petruk" program, namely the Implementation of the Model for Providing Nursing Care with Atraumatic Care for Child Patients.

The services provided include ranging from the availability of children's playgrounds to wearing banyak clothes when conveying stories every day to children's patients.

"So, the innovations made by RSWN are child-friendly hospitals to support the Semarang City Government program," he said.

In the review, the Vice President was accompanied by his wife, Wury Ma'ruf Amin, who was greeted by Acting Governor of Central Java Nana Sudjana and Mayor of Semarang Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu.

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