YOGYAKARTA A teacher who has the status of a Civil Servant (PNS) will be grouped into four functional positions to get a certain rank. Adjustments to the rank of the civil servant class will be based on the number of credit figures owned by each individual.

The authorized official will confirm and determine the credit figure so that it is in accordance with the rank and position to be accepted.

So, what are the ranks of the civil servant class? Let's look at the full information in the following reviews.

Provisions for the rank of civil servants are contained in the Regulation of the Minister of Empowerment of State Civil Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (PermenpanRB) Number 16 of 2009 concerning Teacher Functional Positions and Credit Figures.

Referring to the regulation, here are the ranks of the civil servant class of teachers from the lowest to the highest.

1. First teacher

The first teacher is the earliest level of office for a civil servant teacher. A teacher who has just received a decree as a civil servant will occupy the first teacher position class.

There are two ranks that are included in the first teacher level, namely:

A teacher civil servant needs to collect around 100-150 credit figures in order to occupy the position class.

2. Young teachers

The second rank of civil servant teacher is a young teacher. This class of positions is filled by teachers who have collected 200-300 credit figures.

Just like before, the rank of this civil servant teacher group was also divided into two classes of positions, including:

3. Middle teacher

Middle teacher is a teacher's functional position that requires around 400-700 credit figures.

The class of positions that can be occupied by civil servant teachers who have been promoted to the middle school teacher level, namely:

4. Main teacher

This class of positions is the highest level that can be achieved by ASN teachers with civil servant status.

The rank of civil servant class of the main teacher is grouped into two classes of positions, including:

To achieve this position, a teacher civil servant must collect a credit figure of around 850-1,050.

Teacher Civil Servants Class Credit Rate

Based on PermenpanRB Number 1 of 2023, credit figures are a quantitative value of the work of functional officials.

Especially for civil servant teachers, there are 3 main elements and 1 supporting element that can help increase credit figures, including:

1. Education

A civil servant teacher is required to streamline the D4 or S1 education level first. Not only that, they are also required to attend a number of pre-employment trainings properly to obtain certificates. Later, the certificate can be used to increase credit figures.

2. Guidance or learning and certain tasks

The added elements of this credit figure include the entire teaching and learning process in schools.

In order to increase credit figures, civil servant teachers need to prepare a plan for learning, guidance, and schoolwork.

The task of subject teachers is as follows:

While counseling teachers have the task:

3. Development of sustainable profession

In order to be able to occupy functional positions, civil servant teachers must also actively innovate and develop teacher knowledge. Related to this, civil servant teachers can take part in functional training or activities with fellow teachers to improve competence.

4. Support for teacher duties

Supporting elements that can increase the credit number of civil servant teachers are completing supporting tasks, such as:

That's information about the rank of the teacher civil servant group. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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