SURABAYA - A first-class vocational school student in Surabaya, with the initials A, became a victim of rape by members of the TNI, at an inn on Jalan Pasar Kembang Surabaya, East Java.

The perpetrator's lecherous actions were revealed after the victim fled and asked residents for help until they were taken by members of the Satpol PP, on Monday, January 22.

Meanwhile, the alleged perpetrator who was also an individual member of the TNI was also arrested, then taken to the Sawahan Police and then handed over to the Navy Military Police (Pomal).

The Naval Military Police (Pomal) Lantamal V, confirmed that the examination of unscrupulous members of the TNI who were suspected of raping a student in Surabaya continued.

Until now, these individuals are still being investigated and have been named suspects, and detained for 20 days.

This was revealed by the Head of the Information Service (Kadispen) Lantamal V Surabaya, Marine Lieutenant Colonel Agus Setiawan Thursday, January 25. According to him, until now the process of examining these unscrupulous members is still ongoing.

The examination was carried out at the Navy Military Police, Lantamal V Surabaya.

Apart from unscrupulous members, Pomal also examined several witnesses to complete the examination files.

"Well, related to yesterday's assault case. Until now, the alleged perpetrator is still in the process of being investigated at Pomal Lantamal V. For now, we have raised the status of the alleged perpetrator as a suspect," said Kaduspen Lantamal V Surabaya Marine Lt. Col. Agus Setiawan.

Meanwhile, the confession of the victim's parents with the initials LSA (57 years old) said that his son only knew the alleged perpetrator in the Submarine Monument (Monkasel) area, Jalan Pemuda, Surabaya City, while the victim was waiting for his friend.

The victim, who was planning to take scholarship money, was suddenly approached by the alleged perpetrator on the pretext of being able to take the victim to get money from a bank. Because there was no victim's vehicle, he was finally willing to be delivered.

However, instead of being escorted to the bank, it was taken to an inn and sexual harassment resulted in rape.

"Initially he went to school early in the morning, because he got a Youth Tangguh scholarship which every month got Rp. 200,000, finally my son gave me permission to go to the school to take a scholarship. At that time, he made an appointment with his friend in Badminton. That's where I got to know the perpetrator," said LSA.

With the reason that the perpetrator did not know the Surabaya area because it was not a resident of Surabaya, the victim was taken by the perpetrator, not to the bank, instead invited to Indomart.

"There my son became suspicious because the perpetrator suddenly embraced and was finally taken to the hotel," explained LSA.

In the case that happened to his son, LSA admitted that he would fight for him because his son was still a minor. LSA also asked the perpetrators to be prosecuted.

"This must be processed. I don't want to stop. My son is in first grade at vocational school. He is less than 17 years old, he doesn't have an ID card. At that time, the online motorcycle taxi driver who took my child to the Satpol PP and forwarded it to the Sector Police," he concluded.

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