SIDOARJO - Cases of violence against women and children, in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, tend to be still high. Earlier this year alone in January 2024, two cases of sexual abuse by biological fathers to their children had attracted the attention of the people of Kota Delta.

The Technical Implementation Unit for the Regional Protection of Women and Children (UPTD PPA) of Sidoarjo Regency detailed that cases involving violence against women and children in Sidoarjo throughout 2023 reached 220 cases.

UPTD PPA detailed that over the past five years, the number of violence against women and children has tended to increase. In 2019 there were 155 cases, 2020 as many as 140 cases, 2021 as many as 163 cases, 2022 as many as 180 cases, and in 2023 there were 220 cases.

Head of UPTD PPA Sidoarjo Regency, Prastiwi Trijanti said, of the 220 cases that occurred in 2023, the most cases were 83 cases of female victims, and 137 cases in children.

"So far, the highest cases of domestic violence (domestic violence) are 71 cases, after that sexual harassment and harassment," said Pratiwi, Friday, January 26.

Meanwhile, in 2024, UPTD PPA has received a case report, but it has not yet been reported. This week, there were prominent cases, namely cases of child molestation by biological fathers to childbirth, and children under five who were molested by their biological fathers.

The UPTD PPA of Sidoarjo Regency does not deny cases of violence against women and children like the iceberg phenomenon. People who feel they have experienced this incident are asked to dare to report to the UPTD PPA.

"We handle these cases, we automatically maintain the privacy of victims, we have a code of ethics that we must protect," he explained.

UPTD PPA emphasized that in carrying out its functions, it will always be open. From starting to receive complaints, case management, victim outreach, mediation, providing safe or shelter houses, as well as assistance to victims from law, psychology, and medical services.

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