BENGKULU - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) explained the cause of hot weather in Bengkulu City following the increase in air temperature that has occurred in the last few days. The air temperature in Bengkulu City in the last three days has tended to increase. On Friday, January 26, the air temperature reached 34.2 Celsius. Head of the Data and Information Section of the BMKG Baai Island Climatology Station, Bengkulu Anang Anwar, said that the condition was influenced by cloud cover. According to him, in the last few days, cloud cover in Bengkulu City has tended to decrease so that sunlight is directly further forwarded to the earth's surface. "The intensity of the light is quite high and the humidity on the surface is quite wet so that the evaporation rate becomes high," he said in Bengkulu, Antara, Friday, January 26. "The heat temperature is not a phenomenon. It's a common thing because the evaporation is quite high," he added. According to him, the hot weather is predicted to still cover the Bengkulu City area during the day until the next few days.
Therefore, he appealed to residents to ensure that their body water needs were met, especially during outdoor activities during the day. "So as not to become dehydrated, tired, and other bad effects," said Anang.

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